On the 23 and 24 of April we celebrated in Córdoba the firts international in person meeting of the consortium, to discuss the tasks completed so far and those yet to be done during the first part of the project.
An intense meeting with a lot of new ideas.
What we have discussed?
Review of the school plan on digital skills for humanities teachers Focus Groups with teachers to gather insights from the faculty (May) Sending out surveys to gather feedback from more teachers CV review with updates
These activities are part of the second work package led by  XUL Foundation, and next, we will start developing the material for the training sessions that will take place towards the end / beginning of the year.
What do we aim to achieve with all this?
To equip teachers with the necessary skills to obtain a fascinating final product where art and augmented reality intertwine, and students are able to create an interactive mural with the help of urban artists. Sounds good, right?
Stay tuned!