After months of dedicated development and collaboration, our partnership has finalized the School Art Curriculum, marking a significant milestone in our project’s mission to integrate cutting-edge digital technologies with traditional artistic school practices. This curriculum is designed to empower educators and inspire students, encouraging creativity and innovation in the digital age.

The finalized curriculum is rooted in the DigCompEdu framework and emphasizes the practical application of Augmented Reality (AR) in art education. This curriculum is not just about teaching digital tools, but also about transforming the way art is experienced and created, making learning more interactive, immersive, and impactful.

The Finalized Curriculum

  • Module 1: How to Use the Community Platform 
This introductory module equips educators with the skills to navigate and effectively use our community platform, encouraging active participation and collaboration in the online education community.

  • Module 2: School ARt Gallery + Digital Galleries  
This module introduces educators to the "School ARt Gallery" project, highlighting the integration of AR with traditional art to create innovative digital galleries and showing examples of digital galleries to act as inspiration.

  • Module 3: History and Techniques of Street Art  
Participants will explore the evolution and techniques of street art, gaining insight into its cultural significance and creative possibilities.

  • Module 4: AR in Connection with Street Art  
This module examines how AR can transform street art into an interactive and immersive experience, expanding its impact in urban environments.

  • Module 5: Digital Art Creation and Modification  
Educators will learn to master digital tools for creating and modifying artworks, with a focus on integrating AR elements.

  • Module 6: Multimedia Integration in Art Education  
This module guides educators in enriching art lessons by incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and interactive media.

  • Module 7: Virtual Collaboration, Exhibition and Collaborative Pedagogy
Participants will learn how to leverage virtual platforms for collaborative art projects and organize virtual exhibitions to showcase student artworks.

  • Module 8: Digital Art Critique and Feedback  
This module focuses on providing constructive feedback on digital art, in such a way as to promote artistic growth and critical thinking.

  • Module 9: Integrating Artificial Intelligence to enhance Art Education  
Educators will be introduced to AI tools that can enhance creativity and innovation in art projects, preparing students for the future of digital art.

  • Module 10: Street art production – how to get in contact with the artist, municipality, art production itself 
This module covers the logistics of street art production, from securing permits to collaborating with artists and local authorities.

  • Module 11: How to stimulate creativity (without a digital factor)  
This hands-on module encourages educators to foster creativity using traditional artistic techniques, emphasizing the importance of the creative process.

  • Module 12: Final exercise: Creating a Hybrid Art Project with AR
    The final module allows for a hands-on experience, where the teachers will try their newly-gained knowledge on creating their very own project combining traditional street art and AR.

A New Era of Art Education

The completion of this curriculum represents a major leap forward in art education, blending the best of traditional techniques with the possibilities offered by digital innovation. By equipping educators with the necessary digital tools and promoting a collaborative learning environment, we are paving the way for a more engaging and impactful artistic experience. This curriculum not only prepares students to thrive in the digital era but also empowers them to become creators of the future. 

As we move forward, we invite educators to engage with this curriculum, explore its possibilities, and inspire the next generation of artists. The future of art education is here, and it’s more dynamic and innovative than ever before.

Photo by David Grandmougin