EPMA is a non-profit organisation, public equivalent body co-founded in 2004 by the Vysočina Region. Its main mission is to support the development of a sustainable and equal society. This mission is implemented through activities including research, awareness raising, education, project management support and networking to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between different actors and groups of citizens. EPMA works at local and regional level, but also with organizations and bodies at national and European level and has significant experience in management and dissemination. Of the wide range of projects that EPMA has dealt with during its existence, many have focused on digital transformation, education, active citizenship, social inclusion and culture.

The CRHACK LAB FOLIGNO 4D was created to help young people develop an addiction to innovative thinking and to acquire a conscious digital practical culture, exposing them in advance to the most advanced technologies to prepare them for the new jobs that will arise in the next decade.

Mistaker Maker is a platform for artistic intervention, founded by Lara Seixo Rodrigues in 2014, which fosters the production and promotion of Contemporary Art exercises and projects, in all its expressions. Our goals are: the reinforcement of critical perspectives, through the integration of heterogeneous audiences; the exploration of new ways of producing content; the creation of artistic products that add social, cultural, touristic and/or economic value to a territory, on a national and worldwide scale.

Mistaker Maker provides consultancy, curatorial and production services to respond to the growing and increasingly diversified demand for new artistic experiences. We promote partnerships between different sectors, entities and actors, and establish networks between creators, cultural agents, exhibition spaces and localities. The result of this collaborative spirit is expressed in such varied and unique formats as public art events, exhibitions, art residencies, workshops, brand activations, new sensory experiences and other mistakes that may come along.

Among the more than 1,000 actions developed over the 10 years of operation of Mistaker Maker, in 55 different territories and involving more than 230 national and international artists, it is possible to find pioneering projects such as WOOL | Covilhã Urban Art, the first festival of these artistic expressions in Portugal, which presented them as tools for social and cultural transformation of territories and communities, the LATA 65 | urban art workshop for the seniors or ESPORO, a cultural and artistic dissemination project in territories where nature prevail

ConsorzioRo.Ma., is a Vocational Education and Training provider and a business consulting organization founded in 2003. During the years it is specialized in the planning, design, delivery, management, monitoring and evaluation of training paths at various levels.
In the field of School Education Consorzio Ro.ma. deals with the training and updating of skills of the school teachers in activities aimed at encourage the innovation in teaching at the level of strategies, methodologies and teaching tools.
In the field of Adult Education it works for improving the high-quality learning opportunities of low-skilled adults and to validate skills acquired through informal and / or non-formal learning pathways.
In the field of Vocational and Educational Training it carries out training activities with the aim of social and working inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion.
Consorzio Ro.Ma also supports the businesses and the organizations for implementing of training plans finalized to skills upgrading and dissemination of business development plans.

XUL Foundation (Spain) operates as a branch of the communication for social change organization, XUL. Established in 2007, XUL Foundation is dedicated to fostering communication initiatives for social progress and catalyzing transformative processes that advance environmental and social sustainability. Our goal is to facilitate the inclusive and collaborative development of a diverse and equitable society rooted in solidarity. Guided by innovative communication approaches, we prioritize forging novel partnerships and nurturing meaningful relationships to drive positive change.